Monday, July 25, 2011

Busan New Port Container cargo volume, already approaching half of the entire Busan

Busan New Port Container cargo volume handled last month's monthly performance accounted for about half of the entire Busan. As a result, two North-East Asia heobeuhangin Busan New Port is mainly the rapidly restructuring.

Busan Port Authority (BPA) in June Busan handled a total container cargo volume 8007TEU 1,350,000, of which 49.1% two new port (660,000 7148TEU) said Thursday that the processing. Seen continued growth in Busan New Port Container traffic in the next month, the first seems to occupy more than half of the.

Busan New Port in January ahead of a full cargo volume handled proportion 45.1% (550,000 6434TEU) in February after having accounted for 44.5% (480,000 5455TEU), 3 월 47.7% (660,000 8550TEU), 4 월 46.9% (640,000 1317TEU), 5 월 47.7% (670,000 4433TEU) was estimated Inn.

Opened in 2006, Busan New Port by 2008 10 percent of overall cargo volume handled anpakman, but surged to 22.5 percent in 2009 and then rose to 38.6 percent last year. All container traffic in New Port subjected to a steady traffic in growing, 40 percent of the entire month Busan hubandae accounts for the highest percentage. Because of this, the entire traffic in the first half of 2011, Busan New Port of the two 1231TEU 7,870,000 46.9% (3,690,000 3373TEU) were processed.

New Port in the current PNC (9 gives regular port calls), including the HJNC (4 개), HPNT (8 개), PNIT (1 reviews) 17, and four container berths in operation at the pier, the pier in the first half of last year, these than the period 5.7% (PNIT) up 19.0% (PNC) grew nearly. Whereas the case with magnetic sinseondae, gammanbudu of such traffic in North Port's Container Terminal pier in the previous year by more than 10% decline in the share of Pusan, and is increasingly falling.

Among these last chakgonghae November 2007 installation operation of equipment such as container cranes now in full progress, New Port Pier 5 (2-3 steps) operating in earnest next year when the Busan New Port in North Port as the center of gravity is shifted completely. New Port 5 berth pier (the ship safely jeopanhae unloading of cargo and passenger line to enable the construction of the warming in) 1.4 ㎞, 4 개 berths (annual cargo handling capacity 1.6 million TEU) and gatchwotda. When opening the container of the new harbor, the pier, the pier will increase by 21 berths.

Busan New Port's growth in the first half, thanks to the best performance ever raised bangibyeol. This Pusan ​​double-digit growth in the first half of last year (first half of 2010, compared to the previous year 23.7%, 13.8% in the second half of 2010, the first half of 2011, 13.0%) three consecutive times seems to grind ever getting rid of bangibyeol set a record for the highest performance.

Meanwhile, North China cargo side BPA and aggressive marketing to attract and deliver the world's leading center of gravity due to increase in Pusan ​​from the same performance that were analyzed.

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