Friday, July 29, 2011

Peter, 'make life' Do you know

Once upon a time One's family has earned a lot of money in the past. My father died and the graves I wanted you to stand, but there was no writing, speaking descendants. There's a gentleman asked a passing stranger. All that lives through the children of the deceased gentleman wrote the epitaph. "Eat, lo, is dead." Right 'spin' lives is

Dealing with today's figure of Jesus Roda Protégé bed. Named Peter in the New Testament comes more than 160 times. In the New Testament lists of the apostles, a disciple of Jesus, comes four times.

A list of the disciples with each other all different order. But he always comes at the beginning. Peter, Paul, 'the pillars of the early church as' called. Peter invites you serve the Catholic pope.

So is a great person. However, such a person from the original Peter was not. He never even had a formal education at all that it is, was a very humble person.

Until I met Jesus in Galilee who lived bindunggeorimyeo literally holding the fish was a jerk.

Then he met Jesus, while different. Luke, in chapter 5, Jesus' disciples, Peter, called to the scene comes out. One day we had Peter geumuljil overnight.

For more than a day to have a magazine. Jesus, knowing all the circumstances obvious to him, Listen up How many fish I caught last night prompted neo neunyago. "Also failed to pick one." In short, 'an empty net life' is a means. So far, only a lot of fish, Peter is everything I thought I'd get caught. They catch lots of fish, happy, and less if they catch you were unhappy.

Peter Hearn's wish was to replace the net-art net. Sheet of a better reason to work hard to ship was to catch more fish. But do you know? Just so you live such a life takes a lifetime. Life is not an effort to get even "life is an empty net as' ends. Then life 'make life' is

"How many fish caught overnight that?" He asked the same question you mean to us, Jesus says: I 'make life' idea of ​​a lift does the? 'Make life' to meet the end of Peter's life, while Jesus is different. Meaningless to meaningful existence is present, the fog disappears as the last 2,000 years of life means many people's lives has made a confession of faith is the foundation of the church was changed to a life.

Magazine also did a overnight once more to Peter, Jesus says, get off the net. Fisherman 30 years experience, a magazine, not an experience last night, put down whatever it is self-esteem as an expert in obedience to Jesus' words at the moment, a miracle happens. Tear around the net, it is not a lack of co-workers locked out of the water so many times to catch fish is a supernatural work experience. Peter kneels before Jesus moment. Molrabon Almighty Jesus asking her to leave her a sinner is initiator.

Peter's appearance in a 'What crime? "You can find clues about. Jesus in my life I do not know your guy's boat, and he roost, and even to other people's lives that still obliged to roost. Yes. Life is not my money. God is Lord He wore a man's body, the human dimension of God come to the kingdom of heaven has given life itself, let me show you.

Whoever is enshrined as a master of your life to Jesus moment, life is an empty net jackpot in life is change. As owners we invite Jesus in obedience to Jesus 'words at the moment, to make "life is gone' This blessed life, 'living life' to the change.

Jesus to Peter, 'Come, follow me. I will make thee fishers of men 'he says: Yes. By material 'disappear (fade out) life is going well, can bring people real life' life '(living life) is Evanescent make life as lived such a life-do I want to live.

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