Monday, July 18, 2011

Rice wine spectacular return

Represent the country rice wine "sake" is a resurrection. Last year, shipments of rice wine than in 2009, 58.1 percent increased and exports have increased three times. Rice wine exports, especially since 2006, five years after the Japanese sake (sake) has exceeded earnings.

18 days '2010 Liquor Factory trends released by the IRS, according to the year 4000 ㎘ 만 full liquor shipments to 343 last year (333 만 3000 ㎘) has increased by 3%.

In particular, rice wine increased 58.1 percent compared with a year ago, the factory was 41 만 2000 ㎘. 12% of the total rice wine liquor shipments proportion recovered over 10% market share fell to less than 10 percent in 1995 It has been 16 years since.

10,000 9407 ㎘ rice wine exports in 2009 rose 178.1 percent over 6978 ㎘. By country, Japan, increased 201.4 percent year on year, accounting for 81 percent of overall exports. In terms of exports amount to $ 15,590,000 in Japan Sake Imports ($ 13.69 million) surpassed.

IRS Tax hwangyonghui exaggeration "pure 100% domestic, and the quality of rice produced in Korea getting wind of the well-being in Japan Wave Wind overlapping rice wine and a surge in consumption and exports," said "for now to lead this trend," he predicted.

Shenzhen and Suzhou shipments of rice wine, unlike in 1000 ㎘ 93 만 to increase 0.07 percent over the previous year geuchyeotgo beer 만 195 declined 2.3 percent rather than by 7000 ㎘. Suzhou jeodoju shipments of the alcohol below 19 degrees in 4413 ㎘ 30,000 times increased over the previous year. Domestic liquor market is wongaryang 7890700000000 beer and shochu were 77 percent proportion of the market.

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